music at the intersection of WTF and OMG

Welcome to the madness that is Captain Chemical! If you are a new fan, get ready for a WTF experience - as Arizona's craziest stupor-rock/junk blues/cowpunk/psycho band, we are a musical celebration of human stupidity. Our musical madness is available on most streaming platforms, like Spotify, Pandora, Apple/iTunes, Amazon, Tidal, Deezer, etc. Even scarier, all of Captain Chemical's must-see official music videos are on our YouTube official artist channel. If it's ridiculous or dumb, we've set it to music!

#1 "Rabid Chihuahuas On Dope" - MOST STREAMED SONG OF 2024
#2 "Barbie's Having A Bad Day" - 2ND HOTTEST SONG OF 2024
#3 "Beer Drinkin' Goat" - MOST STREAMED SONG OF 2023
#4 "Toad Licking" - MOST STREAMED SONG OF 2022
#5 "Wall-Mart Shopping Experience" #- 5 ALL-TIME
#6 "Lawn Chair Larry"
#7 "Captain's Alien Abduction
#8 "Indelible"
#9 "Zamboni Joyride"
#10 "Christmas in Hell" - POPULAR DURING THE HOLIDAYS

#1 "Toad Licking" (from the album Stupid) - MOST WATCHED VIDEO ALL-TIME (ALL PLATFORMS)
#2 "Wall-Mart Shopping Experience" - #2 MOST WATCHED VIDEO ALL-TIME
#3 "Beer Drinkin' Goat" MOST WATCHED VIDEO IN 2023
#4 "Lawn Chair Larry" - #2 VIDEO OF 2023
#5 "Rabid Chihuahuas On Dope" HOTTEST VIDEO OF 2024

----------- THE NEWS -----------
"Every Gig Is A Party," the Captain Chemical movie, had its world premiere on 23 February 2025 via livestream on the James Does What He Wants show. The movie is a compilation of live performances from 2024 that captures much of the madness found at Captain Chemical gigs, both on- and off-stage. For a variety of reasons, there is no on-demand replay of this movie on YouTube. However, the livestream turnout was very strong, so there's a good chance we'll do an encore presentation with James in the future for those who want to see it again or who missed the premiere. Check back here for updates.

Captain Chemical has finished performing live in 2024, but we will be doing more shows in 2025, announcing them right here as they get booked. So again... check back here for updates.

The Captain Chemical Band released their fourth studio album DUMBSTRUCK on 18 June 2024. Three singles were released ahead of the album. These are "Dude Needs A Job" (which made its debut on the Indie Music Hunt on 24 November 2023, winning a Golden Funkbeard Award), "Rabid Chihuahuas On Dope" (18 January 2024) and "Barbie's Having A Bad Day" (29 February 2024), featuring Nashville singer Tracy Cloud on backing vocals. Videos for "Rabid Chihuahuas" and "Influencer" are out, with more videos coming soon! Get your giggle pants on! The CD version includes a bonus live track not available via streaming.

----------- THE REVIEWS -----------

"What the fuck? Are you kidding?" -Johnny (fan)     Do you think we're serious?
"Lyrical genius... These lyrics really speak to me." -Brian (fan)     Uh oh.
"Sounds like the Dead Milkmen covering the Doors." -Alt77 (Swedish music blogger)     We take that as a HUGE compliment
"It's out of control good!" -J. Pablo Torres ("In The Trenches" livestreamer)     It is definitely out of control, at least.
"Set Zappa lyrics to Primus music with touches of King Crimson. That's Captain Chemical." -John Serrano (Spanish indie artist)     That's three of our favorites right there!
"Damn, that's awesome. Like Captain Beefheart met Weird Al and joined Deep Purple. Love this!" -TruckDog (indie artist and playlist curator)     Woot!
    Check out TruckDog's Spotify playlist here.
"These guys know how to have fun!" -Rax (music blogger)     Because music is SUPPOSED to be fun!
"This is like Beavis and Butthead meet Cheech and Chong in Wayne's World." -Cynthia (fan) seen on the Dr. Phil Show.
"This is the kind of shit I always wanted to hear, but no one else had the balls to record it." -Edward (fan)     Thank you!
"Dumbstruck is Captain Chemical's genius work of stupidity. Not a skip track on the entire album." -Uncle Funkbeard (livestreamer and indie artist)   Fine line between genius and stupid.
"How old are you guys, 14, 12?" -Diane (fan)     You're as old as you feel. So yeah, about 14.
"It's not boring!" -L2 (American blogger)     True... "ridiculous" and "stupid" perhaps, but never "boring."
"You guys are underrated! This is the best new/old band on the internet." -The Lawn Officer (fan)     Tell all your friends about us!
"I want this band to be my life's background music for everything I do." -The Single Digits (indie artist)     What a deranged life that would be!
"I say if somebody doesn't like this, there's probably something wrong with them." -Prime Birds (indie artist)     We're in no position to judge.
"You guys do whacky songs!" -Gamer (fan)     It's our secret superpower. We just can't do 'normal' songs.
"It's like Mudhoney, if they were from the desert instead of Seattle." -Magentic Mushroom (indie artist)     And they still let us run loose.
"The world is whack, and Captain Chemical is here to document it." -Mark Jewett (noted Zevonologist)     Snarky observations on human stupidity is our formula!.
"Captain Chemical is the band that Weird Al Yankovic would have created if he was an original songwriting musical artist." -Darren Lee Richardson (singer, indie music reviewer)    
    We'll embrace that. But we think of ourselves foremost as inheritors of the Frank Zappa, Mojo Nixon, Tenacious D, and Root Boy Slim traditions.
"Rat Trap in the Glory Hole... Y'all are craZy ridiculous. Bahahahaha LMFAO!!!" -Boz (fan)     That's the spirit!

Want your own thoughts on the band displayed here? Just leave a witty comment on YouTube, tag us on Twitter/X (@CaptChemical), or comment on FB or IG.

----------- THE LINKS -----------

Join the Captain's Navy and sink into the cesspool of stupidity by subscribing to our YouTube channel, liking us on Facebook, following us on Instragram and Twitter, and listening to us everywhere!

... for the music:
YouTube: Captain Chemical official artist channel (all official song videos, all music)
Spotify: Captain Chemical artist page (all music)
Pandora: Captain Chemical artist page (all music)
Apple Music: Captain Chemical artist page (all music)
The Captain's music is also available to stream on Tidal, Deezer, iTunes, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, BOOM, Boomplay Music, Yandex, Napster, Tencent, Snapchat/Triller/7digital, Gaana, Joox, TIM, Wynk/Hungama, NetEase, Zed+, Peloton, Douyin, MediaNet, TouchTunes/PlayNetwork, VerveLife, Gracenote, YouSee Musik/Telmore Musik, KKBox, Music Island, Anghami, ClaroMusica, Zvooq, JioSaavn, Q.Sic, Kuack, Ayoba, and more

... for the fun:
Facebook: Captain Chemical Band page (pictures, older videos, band news)
Instagram: captainchemicalband (pictures, older videos, band news)
X (a.k.a. Twitter): CaptChemical (band news, pictures, links to other stuff)
BlueSky: (band news, pictures, links to other stuff).
band web site: the web page you're already on (band history, band news, music list)
Label 1: Brain Damage Records (CDs can be purchased)
Label 2: Only The Label (music on Bandcamp, merch available)

We're not particularly photogenic, but here are some pictures.

----------- THE MUSIC -----------

DUMBSTRUCK (full CD and digital release: 18 June 2024)
1. Rabid Chihuahuas On Dope
2. Barbie's Having A Bad Day
3. Indelible
4. Dude Needs A Job
5. They Killed The Choco Taco
6. Attack of the Zombie Iguanas
7. Farting On A Plane
8. Raining Cocaine
9. For Whom the Cowbell Tolls
10. Lost My Marbles
11. Influencer
12. Dude Needs A Hot Dog
13. Chat Bot Baby
14. Beer Drinkin' Goat (live 2023-04-02)
NOTE: Tracks 1, 2, and 4 were digitally released
as singles between November 2023 and February 2024.
Track 14 is only available on CD.

Despite the loss of drummer Douggie Dealer to medical issues, the Captain Chemical Band marched on through the madness in 2024, with Medicine Man taking over on the skins for the new album DUMBSTRUCK. This album continues the tradition of stupid songs about stupid people doing stupid things, so you'll have no shortage of giggles as you hear the Captain tell story after story of idiots on parade. However, DUMBSTRUCK takes the music itself in some new directions. This genre-defying album has everything, from 70s funk to contemporary latin jazz, Beach Boys-y pop to country, techno to a spy movie soundtrack. You'll never get bored musically. But you'll be laughing too hard to focus on the music, as one absurd-but-true story follows another. Yes, a person really was attacked by zombie iguanas, another bozo really managed to shoot off his penis while robbing a hot dog stand, some doofus really did get arrested for violently farting on a plane, and feral chihuahuas are indeed terrorizing an Arizona town. Seems impossible, but the madness is real, and the band is bringing it all right to your ears, along with the snarky color commentary that the Captain always delivers. You'll be DUMBSTRUCK. Better still, some songs have supporting videos on the Captain Chemical YouTube channel. The CD version includes a bonus live track of drummer Dougie Dealer's final performance with the band, which is not available via streaming. CD price is $10, plus shipping. Available digitally on most music platforms.

THE DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION (full CD and digital release: 06 January 2023)
1. Welcome to the Apocalypse (Stadium Party Mix)
2. Wall-Mart Shopping Experience
3. Beer Goggles On
4. Lawn Chair Larry
5. Beer-Drinkin' Goat
6. Zamboni Joyride
7. Weasel Poop Coffee
8. Police Arrest the Cops
9. Bottles of the Apocalypse

NOTE: Tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 were digitally released
as singles between August 2022 and December 2022.

Captain Chemical's 2023 album release is titled THE DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION, a title that pretty much sums up what this album is about. It seems that people are pretty much doomed to suffer from their own stupidity, so on this album the Captain provides the soundtrack for humanity's demise. The songs - all examples of human folly - are based on actual events, with Captain Chemical providing full color commentary as only the Captain can. So sit back and enjoy listening to stupidity set to music, from the absurdity seen with shoppers at retail stores, a do-it-yourself balloonist who flew over three miles high in a lawn chair, alcoholic goats that got elected to public office until finally getting castrated, to separate undercover police sting operations that ended up arresting each other. THE DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION explores some of the most outlandish exploits of people behaving at the fringes of sanity. Don't expect any uplifting stories full of great social insight here; this album is just a musical celebration of some of the most WTF and OMG stupid things that people have ever done. For music streaming purposes, the Captain Chemical released most of this material as a series of singles in the fall of 2022. The full album became available for streaming, download, or CD purchase in 2023. To see as well hear this madness, be sure to check out the supporting song videos on the Captain Chemical YouTube channel. CD price is $10, plus shipping. Available digitally on most music platforms.

STUPID (CD and digital release: 20 October 2021)
1. Captain's Alien Abduction
2. One Legged Stripper
3. Stupider
4. Gator In Her Pants
5. Toad Licking
6. Butt Chugging
7. Peeping Drone
8. When Your Tits Explode
9. We Do Dumb Things
10. Noche de la Chupacabra
11. Stupid
12. Captain's Alien Seduction

Captain Chemical 2.0 didn't just sit on its collective ass enjoying the fame and fortune brought by the international success of their AIN'T DEAD YET album. Hell no! The Captain Chemical Band began recording their second album almost immediately after completing their first, and they came up with a disk full of outrageous entertainment. The album is titled STUPID, which accurately sums up the lyrical themes explored here. Playing in a wide variety of musical styles, the band travels all around the world - even extra-terrestrially - to find stories of real or imagined human stupidity. As usual, this mostly involves people under the influence of sex and drugs, but any topic with that special WTF quality is fair game for the Captain. As the Captain sings, "we do dumb things," and you'll get to hear all about those dumb things in a wider variety of musical styles than just blues-rock on this album. From hiding alligators in your pants, to licking psychedelic toads, to encounters with space aliens, get ready to get STUPID. CD price $10 plus shipping. Available digitally on most music platforms.

AIN'T DEAD YET (CD release 30 April 2021, digital release 17 May 2021)
1. Party In My Pants
2. Eating Tide Pods
3. Story Time
4. Rat Trap In The Glory Hole
5. Don't Fear The Reefer
6. Christmas In Hell
7. Ain't Dead Yet
8. Soccer Mom Action
9. Toilet Full Of Blues
10. Robbing The Cradle
11. Power To The Peephole
12. Captain's Last Gig
13. Too Ugly For Jail

In 2020 COVID ravaged the world, but just when you thought it was safe to listen to music again... out came a new Captain Chemical release, with a newly formed band (Captain Chemical 2.0). If you thought that time would mellow out the Captain, think again. As usual, no topic is off limits. On AIN'T DEAD YET, the Captain explores life as a dirty old man, from robbing the cradle to powering up the peephole, while the drug abuse extends to ridiculous new thrills such as eating Tide Pods, served up with a heaping helping of Viagra. Fans of the original Captain Chemical 1.0 will be thrilled to find that it's all still here: kinky sex, crazy drugs, insane rock and roll, largely presented in that inimitable musical style called "junk blues," with a few new twists. The songs are as catchy as ever, while the lyrics remain refreshingly over-the-top and politically/socially/humanly incorrect. And guess what? On this album, the movie "Reefer Madness" actually does get set to music. Old farts will love the classic rock feel of many tracks, while Generation Tide Pod will be amazed that these geezers are actually very much in touch with all the latest stupidity of the 21st century. If seeing a song titled "Rat Trap In The Glory Hole" makes you think that you'd like to hear this album, then you really need to hear this album. But don't say you weren't warned. This album is hardcore, and totally not suitable for children... or even adults who lack a warped sense of humor. CD $10 plus shipping. Available digitally on most music platforms.

1. Brain Damage
2. Dead Chicks Can't Say No
3. Overdose
4. Sniffin' Glue
5. Drug Abuse Is Fun
6. Mr. Horse
7. Helen Keller
8. Give A Drug A Home
9. Let's Masturbate
10. I'm A Addict
11. A Prayer
12. Cripple
13. Dr. Quaalude
14. Karen Ann Quinlan For President
15. Blue Baby
16. Hitler Was A Vegetarian
17. TV Sucks
18. Obliteration
19. Catholic
20. Vegetation Blues
21. Chromosome Blues
22. Bad Local Band

During the heyday of the self-indulgent sex and drugs counter-culture of the late 70s and early 80s, Captain Chemical 1.0 provided a soundtrack for this hedonistic era. On eight albums released between 1978 and 1983, the Captain and his bands celebrated drug abuse, sexual excess, and all manner of ridiculous behavior in a musical style called "junk blues." Inspired in part by the on-stage excesses of the late Root Boy Slim, Captain Chemical delivered a series of catchy, mostly up-tempo songs with over-the-top lyrics that would have you humming along and shaking your head at the same time. It was like setting the movie "Reefer Madness" to music. Absolutely nothing was off limits - girls in comas, handicapped people, overdoses, religion, Hitler, brain damage - all of it was fair game for the Captain. The word most commonly used to describe Captain Chemical was sick. In 2007 the Captain Chemical Band 1.0 reunited for the first time in 24 years to record crisp, clean, new studio versions of 22 songs from the Captain's early career. FUCKED UP is the definitive record of the shocking brilliance that was Captain Chemical 1.0 - high quality digital recordings featuring the catchiest tunes and sickest, most politically-incorrect, drug-inspired lyrics ever assembled. Warning: This CD is hardcore, and not suitable for children. It's also not available for digital streaming. CD $15 plus shipping

----------- THE STORY -----------

Captain Chemical 1.0

+reunion in 2007

The Captain first came to life in 1978 as the creation of a young musician who wanted a different name and persona to separate his experimental, psychedelic music from his more "serious" efforts. The earliest Captain Chemical tracks were crudely recorded and focused on musical weirdness with only a hint of comedy. However, listeners appreciated the humor more than the weirdness, so Captain Chemical steadily morphed into a comedy act, simplifying the music mostly around blues structures while making the lyrical content ever more extreme and ridiculous. This was a winning formula, especially in a live performance setting. The late 1970s and early 1980s were the heyday of the self-indulgent sex and drugs counter-culture, and the Captain's drug-crazed, sex-crazed insanity proved a perfect soundtrack for the time. Captain Chemical was a musical celebration of drug abuse, sexual excess, and all manner of ridiculous behavior, set to an infectious style of music the band called "junk blues." It was just silly, sick, juvenile fun. Based out of Washington DC, the Captain played and recorded with a wide variety of musicians from 1980 to 1983, releasing eight albums in total, several of them recorded live. Despite frequent changes in band personnel and the fact that this material was utterly inappropriate for commercial radio, the Captain steadily built an underground fan base. In late 1983, Captain Chemical recorded what was supposed to be the band's swan song, an album titled LIVE FROM CLEVELAND (not that the album was recorded there) containing most of the fans' favorite songs. Then, the Captain hung up his microphone and decided to be a mature adult. (Or at least he pretended for a while.) Years passed, but... that crazy infectious Captain Chemical music simply would not die. The songs were too catchy, the lyrics too absurdly fun to ignore. In 2007, the Captain Chemical Band briefly re-formed to record the album FUCKED UP: THE SICKEST OF CAPTAIN CHEMICAL, which consisted of high quality studio recordings of the most infamous "hits" from the entire Captain Chemical 1.0 era. Sadly, all other albums by Captain Chemical 1.0 are out of print, but FUCKED UP remains available on CD from Brain Damage Records. FUCKED UP was supposed to memorialize Captain Chemical once and forever, but the Captain would not die.

Captain Chemical 2.0

2020 - eternity

Neither the band nor its fans could keep their inner 14 year old suppressed forever. In 2020 a new version of the Captain Chemical Band was formed in Arizona. Dougie Dealer and the Captain himself returned from version 1.0 version of the band, joined by new guitarist Hozzy Hashbourne. This trio gave Captain Chemical 2.0 a new, somewhat more professional, yet still familiar and accessible sound. In 2020 and 2021, they recorded an album of completely new material appropriately titled AIN'T DEAD YET. The music was still blues-y, but the band also branched out in several directions, labeling their new style "stupor rock." And the lyrics? Well, people are doing stuff in the 2020s that's just as stupid as the shit they did in 1981, so the Captain had plenty to sing about. However, this version of the band also created song videos, set up Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X pages, and a web site. More importantly, the band distributed all its material via digital releases to reach a larger, global fan base. This was significant, because historically Captain Chemical never intended its extreme material for a mainstream audience, and the band has never expected its songs to get airplay on commercial radio. But digital distribution opened up a new fan base, allowing people from anywhere in the world who appreciate great music combined with lyrical absurdity to enjoy the Captain's unique brand of inanity. After all, doesn't the whole world need to hear the stupid brilliance of Captain Chemical? Well no, actually. (Here comes the disclaimer.) If you're sensitive to idiotic and sometimes criminal lyrical concepts peppered with obscenities while set to music and/or you are so cerebrally-challenged as to take any of this silliness seriously, then you should NOT listen to this band. Captain Chemical is just low comedy, not an instruction manual for life. On the other hand, if you aren't uptight and just want a good laugh to go with some toe-tapping music, then check your sensibilities at the front door and stream or download Captain Chemical's songs. On STUPID the Captain tells a bunch of ridiculous stories set to great music, while the albums THE DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION and DUMBSTRUCK explore just how absurd humans really are, with songs all based on actual events! Truth is often stranger than fiction and some people are seriously messed up. So there's no shortage of material, and the music is wonderful, old school rock (or punk, psychedelic, techno, metal, jazz, cowpunk, psychobilly, whatever). While you're laughing, be sure to check out the band's videos on YouTube.